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Writer's pictureFossoway Stables

Karen's Corner - 17.03.24

Welcome back to this week’s Karen’s Corner! Join me here each week to catch up with what I’ve been up to both in and out of work and what I’ve been loving and connect with me on Instagram

Karen xx


Creating new routines, or rather, returning to old ones that worked for me in the past has been the theme of the week as I’m still getting used to working back on the yard 4 days a week. 

I’m definitely a morning person by nature and although that doesn’t mean I always bounce out of bed in the morning, it does mean that I’m happier and much more productive for the day as a whole if I get off to an early and ‘good’ start. That’s what I’ve been prioritising this week - making my mornings as optimised as possible. For me that means preparing the night before by sorting the next day’s planner, laying out my clothes and getting a good eight and a half hours sleep. Once I’ve done that, it’s a case of limiting my ‘snooze’ time, getting up, drinking water and taking my vitamins, doing a little yoga then getting out on the yard for around 6.30am. 

I saw a wee video clip of James Corden recently, talking about his experience with alcohol and describing his decision to cut back due to this feeling of ‘borrowing from tomorrow’ and his unwillingness to continue to do that. I think of my evening and morning routines a little in the same way … I know that if I don’t prepare the night before, if I don’t get enough sleep or if I hit snooze 5 times or skip the glass of water and yoga, I’m going to feel like I’m starting with a deficit and be far less productive that day. I’m not sure we can sustainably rely on motivation for that but rather, it is a discipline we have to practice.

My extra time on the yard has meant I’ve got loads more thinking and podcast time so I’ve been taking full advantage of that - listening to inspiring speakers and generating lots of ideas for the business as a result. It’s great to feel energised around it all again and although I’m still uncertain on how it all fits together sometimes, I’m enjoying getting my teeth into it.

Outside of work, life is also good … I've loved seeing the bits of blue sky and sunshine that have teased us with Spring proper and I’m loving being more intentional with my time with the people I love.

With the kids that means having big chats on the sofa or playing cards or a board game before bed. It’s so easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of school runs, packed lunches and after school clubs which, of course, all still needs done, but taking a little time out for the important stuff is really wonderful. 

I’ve got some dates in the diary to see friends and Mum, Dad and I went out for drinks and a catch up at Gleneagles last night which was really nice - I love it when we do that.

John is away on tour all over the UK at the moment which means we have to be proactive in carving out time to see each other. He had a night off earlier this week so he came north and I went south and we met in a lovely hotel in Penrith for the night which was really fun!

I’m signing off this week’s blog with my lip held together with paper stitches after my attempt to kiss KR goodbye the other day didn’t quite go to plan. Entirely my own fault, I know it was stupid, but it now looks as though I’ve had lip filler in only one side of my lip … It’s a look!

This next week looks much the same work wise but also a wee trip to Liverpool and a night out to see Hamilton!

Hope you all have a wonderful week.

Karen xx

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